Party Bags

From 'just a few sweets' to 'just add the cake' we can do it all...



Here at Ultraviolet Treats, our aim is to bring the best sweet treats for all occasions and a party just wouldn’t be a party without a party bag! We offer a full range of options.

For older children or indeed adult party favours we offer £5 bags, £3 jars and sweet cones which can either be purchased straight from the shop or personalised through consultation via email. 

For younger party people, we can offer tiny mixes to add to a party bag or a party bag which you’ll just need to add the cake to. Knowing how stressful organising a kids party can be, we were keen to offer an option that took a big chunk of the stress out of the organising. 

Prices for tiny mixes start at just £0.80 per bag and ready to go party bags can be created from £2 per bag.